Monday, October 22, 2012

Just graduated!

Wohooo! I made it!
I am now holding the Victorian Certificate of Education in my hands and I am super excited!
We had the graduation ceremony just before, and we got home about an hour ago and I just felt like sharing these photos with you. It was a lovely evening and everyone looked very stunning in their dresses and suits. It was however also sad, because this was our last gathering as a cohort so there were mixed feelings across the room. But everyone had a very enjoyable night and we are all super excited to now be able to say that we officially graduated from school :D Uni life here we come! :D

I got it!
Even with heels I am still small..
There it is! Now I all I have to do is do well on the Exams to get a decent ATAR :)

 PS: Ich hab ein Video zusammengestellt mit Clips vom letzten Schultag, aber jedes Mal wenn ich das hochladen will bekomm ich eine Fehlermeldung D: Kann mir da vielleicht jemand helfen? :*


  1. Herzlichen Glückwunsch! :)

  2. schöner blog und herzlichen glückwunsch (:

    xoxx, sabrina.

  3. Congratulations ! Herzlichen Glückwunsch!! Man merkt wie stolz und glücklich du bist:)

    LG Anna ♥
