Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The year that was

2012 - the year that was. The year that showed me to keep going no matter how impossible something might seem. The year that showed me to not give up, because the moment will come where all your hard work and dedication will pay off. It also showed me that your best friends will always be there for you, that true friends are impossible to find and impossible to forget and that you must cherish them and appreciate their friendship. That you have to keep fighting for the ones you love, and that family matters the most. Keep smiling, keep remembering, forgive and forget, but never lose faith. Home isn't where your bed is. It is where people are waiting for you and where you want to return to the most after a long trip. What you have is what matters. Money can't buy you longlasting happiness. It might make you happy for a moment, but that will fade.
2012 was the year that taught me to be strong and to keep going no matter how hard the times may be. To keep positives thoughts in the worst moments possible, to keep a smile on my face and that making people happy is the best feeling ever. That it is okay to fall down and to make mistakes as long as you get up and keep trying and trying. Just don't give up. 
To be happy for the person I am. It could get worse but also better. Chose the right path. The one that makes YOU happy and not just others. Be loyal to yourself because only then you can be loyal to others, too. Keep dreaming, keep your hopes up, don't lose your faith. One day it might all come true. Each day is a gift which we must take with a smile. Time is running by fast, and we won't get the seconds back where we sat there and did nothing. Don't be a bird sitting in a cage, screaming your lungs out. Grab your dreams now and run with them.
Make the most of this year. Take it, love it and always remember: There are people out there that have nothing -  but they still have a smile on their face everyday because they learnt to appreciate the small things in life and that to live is a gift itself.
~ Sarah Haas 

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